Dear All; A few years ago I got a few SMALL bulblets of the L-A Lily hybrid "Aladdin Sun' (I think a Lee Populsen donation) from the Seedex. These were the first LA hybrids I tried because I wasn't sure of hardiness concerns, but this year they have matured into a large glorious clump with 4 flowering stems at least 3 ft tall. big bright 'sunny' flowers. Thanks Lee and Seedex. Two years ago I bought some Orienpets from a large commercial bulb concern (maybe Van Bougendien) and they were puny marble size bulbs. I was disappointed when they struggled to perhaps 15 inches and meager blooms. 1 year later they are reaching for 6 ft and a dozen buds each. Quite an impressive turn around. My established Orienpets from Lily Garden (Very nice folks) got serious freeze damage in late April, but are growing out of that and looking good. I love these things. Crinum have been behaving oddly. One C. bulbispermum 'Jumbo' bloomed a month ago and set ripe seed about the time he rest of them sent up their first spikes and it sent up more spikes. Very odd timing. I was recently in the Denver Botanic Garden where they grow typical C. bulbispermum at perhaps 1/3 to 1/4th the size of 'Jumbo'. Tiny little plants, but it may be the altitude. Last year I donated some Crinum x powellii to the BX and I wonder if any recipients will let me know (off list) if any bloomed this year. I kept the rejects (shovel accidents) and they all came up, but have not shown flower spikes yet. C. x powellii 'Alba' has sent up its first stalk. I grow a number of Arum species, but A. nigrum rarely sets seed. This is a hardy species suited to light shade or full sun with a near black spathe reliably hardy here. Both curious and attractive and not terribly stinky either - a winner. This year I see at least 4 seed heads developing nicely so I'll be able to share this too uncommon goody around. Right now Lilies are the star of the garden from Asiatics to Trumpets, to be followed by Orientals and Orienpets. The native L. michiganense wanders around a semi-shaded site and is coloring up in anticipation. I just planted out a pot of "Edible Lily Bulbs' bought in a Chinese market a couple years ago. I had them in a large pot and wintered them in a cold frame, but the pot is bursting so they had to be divided. I assume these are a cv of L. davidii, the usual species that is eaten in China. The potted lilies have stayed short, but should increase in the ground. This spring I ate many dishes in Gansu Province that included lily scales. They claim in Gansu's capital, Lanzhou, that they grow the best tasting lily bulbs in all of China. Anyone have experience with these? And some 'minor bulbs' looking nice- Tritelia, Anthericum, Ornithogalum, etc. Cannas were late in getting planted out, but really don't make a show until summer. The last of the hardy glads - G. imbricata is almost done. I think I lost G. gavandensis (sp?) in my ill timed move last year, but if it is still alive, it will bloom later. Now is the time to think about digging and dividing spring bulbs that are just dormant. Always some bulb of interest, doing something. Bulbously Jim W. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +