Wachendofia is an interesting species to grow and well worth the effort. I have all species available that I know of and have grown them for many years. W. thyrsifolia is really too large a plant for pots but makes a nice feature garden. I had the opportunity a few years ago to design a feature garden where I worked and I used W. thyrsifolia as a feature border plant, a whole row of them along a garden bed and when they flowered they looked so good that the street traffic would slow down to look as it passed. "Bulbous Plants os South Africa" lists five species (page 179) but I know of only four. Martin Rix in "Growing Bulbs" (1983) says "about 20 species in South Africa" (appendix 1 page 187). I wonder where he gets this kind of information from? From my experience, it is not weedy, I have had a clump in my garden for years and it has not been invasive. It does seed profusely but so do many other species as we all know.I have written an article at Suite101 : http://suite101.com/article.cfm/bulbs_and_plants/… on Wachendorfia, which you are quite welcome to add to your Wiki page if you so wish. My photo of the feature garden is shown in this article. regards, Bill Richardson Ixia King - ixia@dcsi.net.au Ixia Website: http://www.angelfire.com/ri/ixia/ Suite 101: http://suite101.com/welcome.cfm/bulbs_and_plants/ Writers Suite: http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/strange_tales