I have another Colchicum question. Take a look at the image of Colchicum cilicicum on the wiki. What is this plant? Unless I'm mistaken, this is the plant I have received in the past as C. cilicicum purpureum. I've never believed for a minute that that is what it is. But what is it? Notice that it has tessellated flowers, rather prominently tessellated flowers. In fact, the tessellation is as prominent as it is in many of the hybrids known for their tessellation. Notice the form of the flower. The tepals are relatively short and broad, and the flower opens widely. Now compare the color photograph of C. cilicicum purpureum in the Bowles' Handbook. It's hard for me to believe that they are the same plant. Any thoughts? Jim McKenney jimmckenney@starpower.net Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where doubts about the identity of my Colchicum began with one of the very first ones acquired years ago.