Colchicum questions

Carol Jensen
Sun, 05 Jun 2005 11:07:19 PDT
At 01:55 04-06-2005, Jim McKenney wrote:

>But here's what really interests me: I've had Colchicum byzantinum, or what
>I think is C. byzantinum, in my garden for decades - the first plants were
>obtained back in the '60s of the last century. However, the plants I have
>now don't seem to fit exactly the description in Bowles - in particular, the
>flowers are bigger than expected and have narrower segments. This has long
>bothered me, and one response to this uncertainty has been to obtain
>additional plants under this name now and then. 
>Jim McKenney

Obviously you guys know much more about this than I do. but I have noticed changes in indoor bulbs after I started replanting in pure compost. The bulb's behavior changed for the better. So it may be your soil that gives the narrow segments.

This from a dedicated organic grower...

Carol in Denmark 

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