New Moraea pictures

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 21:50:01 PDT

I've added a few more Moraea pictures to:…

There is an additional picture of Bob Werra's favorite Moraea barnardii and 
pictures from him of Moraea bipartita. I really like the latter, but find 
it is hit or miss in my climate. Some years I see it, some years I don't.

Another new species added from him is Moraea crispa. My books say the 
flowers are small so his picture is misleading. The flowers are really 
different than most Moraeas, reminding me of Moraea polyanthos which is 
still blooming this year. I had it for years and years and then one year 
they all died, but new ones from seed have bloomed this year. Perhaps Bob 
will comment about these species?

Another new species for me is Moraea bituminosa. I was surprised recently 
to see mid day that a Moraea was going to open. It looked like it was going 
to be yellow so I was really puzzled as I didn't recall having a late 
blooming yellow Moraea. I uncovered the tag and discovered what it was. It 
has small enough flowers that with my digital camera I had to put something 
behind it to get the flower in focus. It is blooming in one of my raised 
beds. Checking to be sure I had the identity right, I read it had sticky 
stems and sure enough it did and there was a dead insect stuck on one of them.

Mary Sue

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