Well, while we are splitting hairs about definitions of bulbs, geophytes, and so on, how do we define the bulbils which form in the leaf axils of some lilies such as the tiger lily? Clearly above ground, and leaf tissue. Not a bulb. Then they fall to the ground and root on top of the ground. Not a Geophyte. Eventually they pull themselves into the soil and become a true bulb, and a geophyte. Then consider Kohlrabi, the varient cabbage. Swollen stem tissue, so a tuber? Yet above ground. An egg, a caterpiller, a chrysalis, and the butterfly are all the same creature, yet different life forms, described differently, with differing needs for food, shelter, etc--but if accurately described, the stages must be acknowledged and accepted as parts of the life of a single creature. To me it appears that mankind's definitations do not accurately portray nature, and it doesn't matter--the idea is to transfer a concept from my mind to yours. That the definition isn't perfect doesn't negate the ability to transfer the concept. Nature isn't bound by mankinds' rules or definitions. Some people have trouble accepting an imperfect definition, while others simply want to transfer a concept. Different people, different needs. Ken