John: Very interesting report on the hardy gesneriads. My report from Zone 7b is attached below. Interesting on Don's report on S. tubiflora and S. sellovii. I wonder about the light levels. These both need to bake in full sun to grow and flower well. Gesneriad Hardiness at Plant Delights Nursery 6/1/05 update Sinningias Hardy aggregata x tubiflora Apricot Bouquet' x self (40% survival)(hybrids of aggregata, tubiflora, warmingii) Apricot Bouquet' x selovii (hybrids of aggregata, tubiflora, warmingii, sellovii) conspicua conspicua GRF9942 curtiflora (Krezdorn Yellow' x self) x Apricot Bouquet' (aggregata, tubiflora, warmingii) large flowered hybrids (conspicua, eumorpha, Georgia Sunset) leucotricha sellovii sp. aff warmingii Esmeril' speciosa Carangola' - 10% Tante' tubiflora Hardy Gloxinia Chic' gymnostoma nemanthatoides purpurescens Hardy Achimines Harry Williams' Purple King' Verschafeltii' Misc Hardy Gesneriads Eucodonia Adele' Titanotrichum oldhamii Tony Avent Plant Delights Nursery @ Juniper Level Botanic Garden 9241 Sauls Road Raleigh, NC 27603 USA Minimum Winter Temps 0-5 F Maximum Summer Temps 95-105F USDA Hardiness Zone 7b email website phone 919 772-4794 fax 919 772-4752 "I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it least three times" - Avent