John, I grow here Wachendorfia paniculata var pallida: The short tuberous rhizomes with bright orange flesh produce plaited and pointed leaves and a multibranched inflorescens with zygomorphic pale yellow flowers.The pale apricot, flowers with dark markings in the center are arranged in loose panicles An interesting feature is the round lightgreen seedcapsules with purple markings. To grow in open ground in protected areas or in pots. Mutliplies easily from seed. It is in flower right now at this moment. Reading your description of W.brachyandra we might be talking about the same species? To compare look up the picture in our website Allthough Zantedeschia aethiopica virtually naturalises here. I tried W. thyrsiflora here and lost it twice. Maybe I should provide it with truly "marshy" conditions? Best wishes Lauw de Jager .le 7/06/05 7:23, à a écrit : > Sadly, Wachendorfia thyrsiflora is not hardy in the UK (except possibly in > the mildest parts of the south-west) so we are denied the pleasure. > > Does anyone grow any other Wachendorfia species? Many are smaller and > actually rather more attractive than the big, rather coarse, W. thyrsiflora. > I think in particular of W. brachyandra from the west coast north of Cape > Town. It is no more than 30 cm high, with branched inflorescences carrying > large flowers of a soft apricot shade with a contrasting 'eye'. I have a > picture of it that could be posted, if someone would instruct me how to do > this! Lauw de Jager South of France (zone 8 Olivier)