Medicinal uses of plants.

John Bryan
Thu, 09 Jun 2005 08:16:11 PDT
Dear Nancy Gilbert:

Nelson Coon, a friend who has now passed away, wrote several books on
the medicinal use of plants, including bulbs, you might find them
listed, I do not know. Other books that you might be interested in are
the following. Valuable Herbal Prescriptions (1890) a thin book but most
interesting. A Modern Herbal by Mrs. M. Grieve,(1971) published by Dover
Press, 2 volumes, this is quite complete. The Book of Herb Lore, (1970)
again a Dover publication, the author Lady  Rosalind Northcote. Herbs
for Health by Otto Mausert (1932) and published by the author. This book
has many colored prints. The Old English Herbals, (1971) published by
Dover, is another good book. The Natural History of Medicinal Plants by
Judith Sumner (2000) published by Timber Press. I have in my library,
several old Herbals, 18th and 19th century which I have collected, well
illustrated with hand colored prints, several are in 2 volumes. Today
these are, to say the least rare and expensive! Have you tried to find
others in medical libraries? It might be worth looking into. Cheers,
John E. Bryan

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