Mystery bulb

Carol Jensen
Fri, 17 Jun 2005 14:05:17 PDT
At 22:13 17-06-2005, Jim McKenney wrote:
>I'm having a hard time believing that it is not Hymenocallis x festalis. 
>It's a dead ringer for Hymenocallis x festalis as I grow it. 
>The 125cm height is however a puzzle. It's maybe 90 cm here. Was Carol's
>plant grown under glass? 
>Jim McKenney

Indoors and planted in pure compost. The compost probably did it. The poor plant just tipped over toward the sun and is still tipped over. Amaryllis do fine in the middle of the room, but the hymenocallis apparently needs loads of sun, which Denmark lacks in winter.


P.S. My living room was probably very warm and it soaked up a lot of water too, very thirsty plant. I think I had 25C in the daytime and about 22 at night. 

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