Dear All, I've added some new pictures to the Lilium wiki page:… When Jim Waddick was talking about this edible Lilium from China I realized that it was the one that looked like it was going to bloom for the first time from 1999 Nargs seed. O.K. so I'm not very fast with Lilium seed. Now that John Grimshaw has told us how to grow them from seed:… maybe I'll do better. Last fall I put Lilium davidii in the ground which is often what I do when I can't get something to bloom in a container. I feared my garden would be too dry for it in summer and this still may be true most years. But this year with the extra rainfall it is blooming. I also added pictures of Lilium humboldtii (this one started from seed fall 2000 from Wayne Roderick seed via Cal Hort). I planted some out in the ground last fall and kept at least a couple in containers. It has been blooming this yearin the ground and in one of the containers and besides the flowers has interesting whorled leaves. I was planning to add my picture and now that we have had a recent question about wild populations of it, I can provide a picture of it in cultivation for those who are curious. Finally a number of years ago (July 2003) we discussed Lilium pitkinense and a plant I had obtained from Diana as L. pardalinum ssp. giganteum or Lilium pardalinum 'Giganteum' that Jane and Ken Hixson told us was once called L. harrisianum and may be a form of L. pardalinum or a natural hybrid between it and L. humboldtii. Instead of filling your pot with offsets like most L. pardalinum this one has a rhizome that just gets longer. Jane had advised me to plant mine out. It would be too big to be container grown and much happier in the ground. Last fall I finally did that and I put pictures of it on the wiki that show the results. My L. pitkinense continues to grow slowly, but has bloomed now for the third time and this year there were three flowers, each on their own stalk. This is quite different from 'Giganteum' which this year actually had two stalks with five flowers each. This has been an unusual year so I think it is too early to predict how it will be in future years. Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers