Hi, There are some more Moraea pictures from Bob Werra now on the wiki. From the Moraea wiki page: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… you can access the Homeria page for his picture of Moraea elegans, a very handsome plant with an erratic and short blooming period in my experience. Hopefully he'll tell us if that is true for him. On the Gynandriris page is a picture of Moraea pritzeliana. Finally on the Moraea N-Z page are three new pictures of Moraeas already there. There is an unusually colored M. neopavonia (BW4.jpg), an orange M. papilionacea (BW3.jpg), and one of M. unguiculata. Two new species not previously pictured on the wiki are M. serpentina and M. tortilis, both with interesting leaves. Would you like to tell us about your plants and pictures Bob? Mary Sue