Dear All, I have made a number of changes to the Calochortus wiki page, changing text, taking off some of my husband's and my old pictures and adding better ones. Little by little I am replacing my old scanned photos with digitals that are better quality. Some of my Calochortus bloomed while we were gone, but there were still some blooming when we got back and now a few in the ground are blooming and some in my raised beds. The ones in containers are just about finished. Some of these pictures were taken last year, but I never got around to adding them. Changes to look for: I took off my old Calochortus luteus picture and added three new ones that show the differences in color and markings and improved the text. I added pictures of C. nitidus. I never could get this one to bloom until Mike Mace suggested it benefited from water during dormancy. Since I've been doing that I've had blooms and seed set more than once. It isn't from a Mediterranean climate so a dry summer dormancy wouldn't be what it would get in nature. I had blooms of Calochortus superbus this year so have added it. It can hybridize with C. luteus and probably has this year. I have fat seed pods on a lot of my Mariposas and since I was gone when they bloomed there was probably a lot of pollen getting shared about. I took off my old picture of Calochortus tolmiei and improved the text and added two more. Also I replaced the two wild pictures that Bob took last year with two wild pictures he took this year at the same spot. There is such a variety in this species, not only in how it looks, but where it grows. That may be why I find it challenging to grow. I've lost a fair number of bulbs and seedlings and the ones I still have bloom months apart so obviously came from really different places. Finally I added a picture of Calochortus umpquaensis taken last year. This is a species from southwestern Oregon. Here's the wiki link for the page:… Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers