
Jim McKenney
Wed, 09 Jun 2004 07:54:42 PDT
Dear All:

Veratrum came up for discussion briefly earlier this year. Both V. nigrum
and V. album grow here in my garden. V. nigrum is in what I call the
"bark/grit" bed, and V. album is in one of the bog trays. Neither has
bloomed here yet, although each gets bigger yearly. 

Few garden visitors seem to know about these plants. My Veratrum album has
been mistaked for a Cypripedium. V. nigrum is such a bold foliage plant;
why isn't it better known?

I've posted a photo to the wiki of V. nigrum taken last year. It's bigger
this year. Take a look at:…

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, zone 7 where I have Helleborus, hellebore
and  helleborine all growing happily (excuse the anthropomorphism, please). 

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