At 10:42 10/06/04 +0200, you wrote: >Dear John, > The foliage may suffer some frost damage. But the bulb, which is very much >on the surface, may need some protection by a mulch. Like with Paul this >species easly withstands -6-8° Provides the spot is well chosen (sunny, >sheltered and well drained). Laaw, Glad that it isn't just me <grin>. Mine is definitely in the full sun (which is pretty intense here in Australia) and the drainage is pretty much perfect as it is in an old rusting wheelbarrow which has so many holes in the bottom that it can't be anything BUT perfect drainage. I guess the only protection mine would get though is being a foot or 2 off teh ground effectively, but it certainly definitely well and truely freezes at nights in winter, and this might even be amplified by the fact that cold air gets all around the base of the "pot". Still doing well though. John, if mine flowers this year and is self fertile I am more than happy to send you some seed if you'd like? Another -5'C forecast tonight, which judging by recent forecasts might just mean a degree or 2 lower unfortunately. Ooooh, don't like this cold this early. <grin> Cheers. Paul Tyerman Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9 Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus, Cyrtanthus, Oxalis, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything else that doesn't move!!!!!