Bletilla and seeds

Kenneth Hixson
Sun, 13 Jun 2004 13:00:01 PDT
>  Bletilla is apparently one of the few orchid species that can be
germinated in damp sphagnum >peat moss but my one attempt at this was
	In the wild orchids almost certainly can and do grow in or on things other
than sphagnum, it just approximates conditions that orchids seem to need.
media should also work--
	I also have tried lo-tech methods of growing Bletilla (striata), sowing the 
seed on flats of rhododendron seedlings-the coldframe bottom is covered
with older 
bark as a moisture reservoir, sown in the fall as soon as the seedpods
mature-with no success.    Ferns germinate freely in the coldframe the flats
of rhododendron seedlings are in, so the orchids seemed possible.  I've
also tried 
a pot of peat moss and perlite, covered with a plastic bag as I would
seeds, under flourescent lights inside, also with no success.  Note that
the ferns
are western sword fern, and occasionally bracken fern.  Dwarf maidenhair
fern so
far has refused to co-operate in a similiar manner.
	I've considered trying an agar media as for embryo culture of lily seed, 
(which I have on hand) but so far haven't tried it.  I'd expect seedlings
this way to be relatively slow to mature, but have no experience.  This is 
finicky work for someone as fumble-fingered as I am, but not really hard.
the relatively short lifespan of many orchid seeds, the small size and the
ease of contamination, perhaps it might be best to send seed directly to
anyone who is 
ambitious enough to try.
	I would be interested in hearing from anyone who successfully grows this
(pseudo)bulb from seed--continuing to harvest from the wild really isn't a 
satisfactory option to some people.

Ken Z7 western Oregon

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