Iris 'Dardanus'

Jim McKenney
Wed, 09 Jun 2004 08:30:49 PDT
Dear All:

I've posted a photo of Iris 'Dardanus' to the wiki. Take a look at:…

Iris 'Dardanus' is one of the so-called regeliocyclus hybrids, hybrids
which began to appear at the end of the nineteenth century and which have
been commercially available - fitfully - ever since. If you live in a
suitable climate and are willing to go to a bit of trouble, you owe it to
yourself to try these hybrids. 

Looking back on a lifetime of gardening, I think one of the most exciting
events ever in my gardening life was the flowering (on several occasions)
of Iris susiana, one of the oncocyclus irises. The regeliocyclus hybrids
bring much of the same other-worldly beauty of flower - yet they are a bit
easier to manage. 

Once you have seen the flowers of onco and onco hybrid irises, you will
understand why everyone who tries to write about them turns on the hype and
dips freely into the purple: they are that extravagant.

'Dardanus' is currently readily available: do yourself a favor and try it.

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, zone 7, where I've never been accused of
merely dipping into the purple - just wallowing in it.  

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