Dear All, In May my husband and I joined six of our hiking friends for a trip to the U.K. It was anchored with visits to several members of this list on the front and the back which was really super. In between we walked. May is a wonderful time to visit the U.K. and we were lucky with the weather. It was really beautiful. I have added some pictures of some of the native bulbs we saw and have included some habitat shots as well. First and this is mostly in order of how we saw them is Scilla verna (proposed to be known by some as Tractema verna) which we saw on the coastal trail in Cornwall:… Also in Cornwall we saw Arum maculatum, otherwise known as Lords-and-Ladies. Does anyone know why? Jaime Vande had a lot of pictures on the wiki already of it, but not in bloom, just showing different variations in the leaves. This picture shows the flowers.… Throughout our trip we saw Hyacinthoides non-scripta in bloom. I'd heard of the blue bell forests and even seen pictures, but seeing them all around you as you walk is awe inspiring. I really wasn't prepared for how lovely they are. It was hard to pick pictures to add, but I finally decided on one from the Lake District and one from Scotland where they stop being blue bells and become wild hyacinths since blue bells is a common name for a species of Campanula.… We first saw Allium ursinum in Cornwall, but where we saw it over and over again was in central Scotland. This Allium was often so dense under the trees that at first you didn't think there was anything else there. And walking in such places there was no question about what the plant was as the onion smell was quite strong.… Finally I have added a picture of Anenome nemerosa which we saw in shady areas next to a waterfall walk in Scotland. It's already on the wiki as Jaime also added pictures taken in Germany in early April. It was in bloom much later here, but I don't know how long the blooming period is. It too was very pretty.… In another email I'll tell you about some of our other visits. I need to add some pictures first. Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers