Crinum/ Lilies

James Waddick
Sat, 19 Jun 2004 07:31:26 PDT
Dear all;
	Been away (actually extremely busy) from the computer so excuse delays.

	I have been a booster for Crinum in more temperate topics for 
years. Straight C. bulbispermum have been blooming for weeks with a 
variety of clones including 'Sacremento'. 'Alba' and others. Always 
produce huge seed pods, too.

	The xpowelllii and alba forms have just begun sending up 
flower stalks-they are usually later than bulbispermum. Unusual rains 
will probably produce an abundance of stalks. These plants have grown 
here for nearly 10 years and I expect dozens of stalks.

	Later named varieties will start including 'Cecil Houdyshel', 
'Ellen Bosanquet', 'Catherine' etc.

	After last summer's drought, but goos spring rain, the 
foliage is perhaps even larger than ever and clumps more vigorous. 
This is the only problem here in that they take over a large area in 
the garden. I can strongly urge anyone in Zone 6 to try some and here 
at the ege of Zone 5 they are entirely satisfactory- better, 

	Blooming very well this year, Lilium michiganense has 
produced stems well over 3-4 feet and now have mostly 3 flowers per 
stem. Young stems have a single nodding flower and it has spread 
around the semi-shaded bed. Clearly a start performer.

	Of course most other lily cvs have started too- Orientals, 
Asiatics, trumpets and few species. No Orienpets , yet. This is lily 
season in the garden here and they are showing off extremely well. 
Even L. regale which can be shy here.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
E-fax  419-781-8594

Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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