
Mary Sue Ittner
Thu, 24 Jun 2004 20:25:36 PDT
Dear all,

I attempted to write something on the Gladiolus wiki page about how to tell 
some of those European species apart condensed from the key John Grimshaw 
provided and some of my other reference books. Please speak up if it needs 

I also added pictures of some seed grown plants I hope are correctly 
identified. Speak up if you disagree on them as well. I have decided the 
Gladiolus we saw at Kew must have been G. imbricatus as they certainly 
seemed dense compared to lax in some of the other pictures on that wiki page.

I'm happy to make changes and make it all vague if need be.

I feel a bit more sure of some pictures I have also added to the Southern 
African Gladiolus page…

Right before we left in May Gladiolus grandiflorus was blooming for the 
first time from seed. I found it really delightful, but it only had a few 
flowers so wasn't in bloom a long time. When I returned in June I had new 
Gladiolus blooming: Gladiolus carneus, Gladiolus angustus, and Gladiolus 
undulatus. The Gladiolus carneus was grown from IBSA seed started fall 2000 
and blooming for the first time last spring. My pictures on the wiki show 
those first flowers last year. They were pink and very pretty. This year 
however there were lots more flowers and it bloomed a very long time. My 
friend Jana Ulmer (we split the seed and both started it) just sent me her 
picture and it was the same for her. I've added her picture to the wiki for 
comparison. Mine now has fat seed pods, but I can't guarantee that it 
didn't hybridize with some of the others in bloom at the same time so I'm 
not sure I should send it to the BX. The seed was wild collected from Du 
Toits Kloof, which is a mountain pass in the western Cape so I'd think the 
plants might be somewhat hardy. I added a picture of Gladiolus undulatus 
which also has been in bloom a very long time. It looks a lot like G. 
carneus if you give it a quick look, but has undulating tepals and a much 
longer tube. Do I remember correctly that this species may have escaped in 
Australia? I also added a new picture of Gladiolus angustus.

Finally Jana shared with me a Gladiolus I admired in her garden. I'm 
assuming it is a hybrid of some sort although it behaves like a winter 
grower in my garden where it rains in winter and is dry in summer when it 
goes dormant. It is not tall and does not fall over like a lot of hybrids, 
but I think is a really stately plant. If anyone knows anything about it, 
please let me know. I've entered it as the last picture on the:…

Mary Sue
Mary Sue Ittner
California's North Coast
Wet mild winters with occasional frost
Dry mild summers

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