Bulb pests

Kathy Stokmanis vikingdoc@earthlink.net
Fri, 18 Jun 2004 21:50:18 PDT
Jim McKenny has cleared up a mystery for me.  Crocosmia 'Emily McKenzie' performed reasonably well in my garden for the past few years, then disappeared this year.  I planted it in the ground near the common orange Montbretia which has self-seeded every where.  I assumed the tough netting on the bulbs would make them unpalatable to voles but his comment about voles loving Crocosmia has struck an unwelcome chord.

Kathy Stokmanis
Who lost all of her lilies to the little critters the first year here in Northern California.  They snagged  a hosta last week and now I understand they like rose roots, too.  Sigh.  All of my bulbs are caged or in pots, now, and I plan to try cinders around some of my more common bulbs this fall.

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