Dear All, This message did not make it through since it was written in html and that is not allowed on our list. So I am resending it in text. Mary Sue List Administrator I just added two shot of my first blooming Diearama. It was sent, the seed, that is, as D. pulcherrimum, but as I have found no photos or descriptions to help me confirm this, I hope someone out there can confirm for me...or not! Whatever it is, I certainly am proud to finally manage to bloom it. I first fell in love with Dierama in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, where huge clumps are growing in a S.A. type landscape. Fountains of lavender-pink!…… We had hail storms in the last 24 hours. I had luck, no damage, but others were hit by golf balls and the trees are actually completely defoliated! Not nice to fool mother nature! Jamie V. Cologne