National Collection - was UK bulbs - anemone nem.
Sun, 13 Jun 2004 23:43:12 PDT
From: "Diane Whitehead" <>
: [pbs] National Collection - was UK bulbs - anemone nem.

> In the U.K. there seem to be two official ways to get names sorted
> out.  One is for a Collection Holder to do a lot of research, and the
> other is trials at one of the RHS gardens, like Wisley.
> The Royal Horticultural Society has about 50 trials each year.

 I don't think they have ever had
> one on Anemone nemorosa.

The RHS did run a trial on Anemone nemorosa at Knightshayes in Devon, but
alas the recording and results were entrusted to a chronic dyslexic who
developed cancer at about that time and has since died. Brian Mathew tells
me that he is attempting to decipher the notes, but I fear that as an
exercise in sorting out the musddle it will prove to have been rather

John Grimshaw

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