I have grown Crinum powelii for years against a south-west berm in temps down past -30 C and they have done well. I plan to try them in my new location this year. Rand >Dear all, > >I can second the remarks of Jay Yourch. In particular, the winter hardiness of crinums is usually under appreciated. I have a row of seedlings of Crinum [bulbispermum X lugardiae] that have survived two winters outdoors in the ground here in central Indiana, with only a good layer of mulch over them in winter. There were blooms on three of those plants just now. > >C. variabile is also pretty hardy outdoors here, as is C. x-powellii and -- in well-protected spots -- even C. Ellen Bosanquet. > >Let's hear if for the Crinums! > >Jim Shields >in wet central Indiana -- Rand Nicholson Zone 5b Eastern Maritime Canada