Pictures of Herbertia

Dennis Kramb
Thu, 01 Apr 2004 18:54:23 PST
Hello all!  I figured it's time to introduce myself.  My name is Dennis 
Kramb, and I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.  Anyone here into irises has 
probably heard of me before.  I've been actively involved with several iris 
groups for a few years now including ASI, SIGNA, SLI, and AIS.  I recently 
took over as Aril Society webmaster, and I also started the SIGNA iris 
species web database a few months back.

This PBS mail group has heavy traffic compared to what I'm used to.  Much 
of it is over my head and/or about plants I could never hope to grow in my 
Zone 6 garden.  But I'm THRILLED at some of the messages, such as this one 
from Germán, with the outstanding photos of Herbertia.  I've been lurking 
here for a while now, and started posting messages in just the last few 
days.  I recognize a few names here so far, such as Bob Pries and Jim 
Waddick.  (Hi guys!)  But most of your are new, and I'm looking forward to 
making some new friends here.

For those of you interested in seeing some of my work, you can check them 
out at

I'm just an average gardener with an above average interest in certain 
flowers, such as irises.  I don't have any scientific background in botany, 
nor any special place to grow my plants.  But that doesn't diminish my 
enthusiasm.  I'm not fond of container gardening, so anything I grow has to 
be tough enough to survive on its own outside in Ohio's very cold very 
snowless winters.  Louisiana irises have been a surprising success here.  I 
can't hardly believe that wild collected plants from the deep south (USA) 
can thrive here, but they do!  Some aril (regelia) species do really well 
here too.

Warmest Regards,
Dennis in a very chilly Cincinnati, Ohio

At 02:37 PM 4/1/2004 -0300, you wrote:
>Dear all:
>I have download in my web page, just as a test, some pictures of 
>Herbertia, hope you like them.
>I have used a very friendly software (freeware) called jalbum,  its a web 
>photo album generator. If you are interested, you can go to:
>and download it.
>PD: Alberto Castillo is a little bit better now, he had fever last night 
>but now he is ok.
>Best wishes
>Ing. Agr. MSc Germán Roitman
>Cátedra de Jardinería FAUBA
>Av. San Martín 4453. 1417. Buenos Aires
>ICQ: 1837762
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