What's Blooming Now

fbiasella fbiasella@watertownsavings.com
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 08:33:04 PDT
Hello All,

Well it's another gloomy and drizzly day in Boston but at least it's not
doing that fluffy white lumpy stuff whose name we won't mention!!! In my
garden now I have Tulipa Clusiana, Pretans Fusilir and several other hybrid
early flowering tulips flowering. Several narcissus are also in glorious
bloom including Tete a Tete and King Alfred and a few others I can't
remember right now. All the peonies are up and growing strong, they're about
10" tall and growing rapidly with all this rain we've had. The Scilla
Siberica have just finished flowering and have nice fat seed capsules that
should help to spread them out quite nicely. Lillium Lancifolium (formerly
Tigrinum) was moved last fall from it's former bed to a newly enriched one
and are all doing very well (I think they're happier too). Nerine Bowdenii
over-wintered very well...as it usually does...and is showing new growth and
offsets. Lycoris Squamigera actually started to grow through the mulch in
late February and currently has leaves about 12" tall. The (large) clump
Bletilla Striata is doing very well and I'm beginning to see lots of white
buds popping out of the soil. The only thing I'm really anxious to see is if
the Hippeastrum x Johnsonii made it through our rather nasty past winter.
Will keep you posted if and when it makes an appearance. For the most part
all of the bulbs made it ok, including those that are "not" supposed to be
hardy in this climate zone.

In the heated porch I have several mature Clivias and about 30 or so
seedlings in various stages of development, Velthemia Bracteata from the
PBX, a few cv's of Cyrtahthus (about 5 or so). I can almost hear them all
say "I want to go outside"!!!!.

Happy Spring and Warm Regards,
Fred Biasella
Cambridge (Boston) MA
USDA Zone 6b

P.S. Please excuse any mis-spellings.

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