Hymenocallis--TOW--bloom sequence

Kevin D. Preuss hyline@tampabay.rr.com
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 10:32:32 PDT
Hymenocallis bloom sequence (here in my yard at St. Pete,  FL) for SE US
species so far this season. is as follows:

Feb. - Hymenocallis from St. Marks, FL  (possibly H. crassifolia), but looks
like a hybrid between H. godfreyi and H. rotata.

Late Feb/Early March - Hymenocallis godfreyi.

March- Hym. rotata

April - H. franklinensis and H. duvalensis

Hym. "caroliniana" from Jim Zimmeraman is about to bloom, too.  But the name
of this plant is invalid.  Hymenocallis caroliniana = Pancratium maritimum.
I am uncertain of the ID of this plant.

Kevin Preuss

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