A bit off topic...

Nan Sterman Talkingpoints@PlantSoup.Com
Fri, 30 Apr 2004 08:24:34 PDT
This is a bit off topic so please respond to me off list if you can help....

I have been asked to contribute to a gardening book that is filled 
with ideas for using household items in the garden - kind of a 
"trash to treasure" tip book for things to do with  old milk 
containers, baking pans, bedsheets, paper bags, bobby pins, old 
athletic equipment, children's toys, etc.

Since  gardeners tend to be the most clever recyclers I know, I am 
wondering what I can learn from you.  Have you found any terrific 
uses for your old household items? Know anyone else who has?


Nan Sterman			Plant Soup (TM)
PO Box 231034
Encinitas, CA 92023		760.634.2902 (voice)
Talkingpoints@PlantSoup.Com	760.634.2957 (fax)


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