Dear All, I replaced a picture on the Babiana page that was a scan of a print from the past with one that was much improved from the digital camera this year. Last year I asked if anyone could help me figure out a plant that I purchased originally from Jim Duggan (a very long time ago.) He called it Babiana nana angustifolia. There was a plant by that name in Jeppe's book but that is the only place I have found the name. There is a Babiana nana and a Babiana angustifolia, but they are different from my plant. I hoped Alan Horstmann from South Africa who grows and knows a lot about Babiana could help me sort it out and he may still, but I know he is really busy. Julian Slade often helps me identify South African plants so perhaps he'll help me on this one too. This plant is about 10 cm tall, with pale lilac flowers. The bottom three tepals shade to white with maroon v like markings. The flowers are strongly scented like cinnamon. The flowers have a pale lilac stigma on top of purple curved stamens. My plants were especially happy this year with less rain than usual during their flowering time. And they smelled so nice when I passed them. Unlike a lot of Babianas I grow that seem much happier in a deep pot or in the ground, these do well in containers. I wish I knew if they were a true species or just a hybrid. I also added a picture Bob took at Alan's of a Babiana that he was growing that could be a new species. It is such a handsome flower. My Babianas were wonderful this year (with less rain to spoil the flowers) and we took a lot of pictures, but many of them do not look the same color on my screen as in the garden and I'm yet to figure out what to do about that so have waited on putting them on the wiki.… I also added pictures of the white Ornithogalum (dubium?) we purchased for a bargain price at Orchard Supply last year along with some yellow and orange ones. They were all wonderful and I thought at that time that for the amount of pleasure they gave me and the low cost, it wouldn't matter if they returned. The bulbs all looked healthy afterwards, but I was still disappointed that they remained under ground with the new season. I have just added a couple of pictures of my orange Ornithogalum dubium to that page as well. This pot of four usually only has one or two start to grow and bloom. This year possibly two came up and one seems to have split and has nine spikes. That does kind of make up for the others sitting the season out. I was hoping the yellow one would behave like Paul Tyerman's yellow and bloom every year, but it was not to be. I was really happy with the way the picture of my orange one in bud turned out.… Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers