Dear Lauw: When in Normandy a few weeks ago, I saw on T.V. some of the problems you have faced. I do wish you every success in getting all back in order. I hope the authorities give you assistance, do they? On the 21st I return to Normandy, much work to do on the grounds of the Chateau of Canisy. The Narcissus you sent and the Cyclamen disappeared, at least I saw no sign of them in March, I hope some will emerge, if not we will have to plant again. Every good wish, Cheers, John E. Bryan Lauw de Jager wrote: > > Dear all, > The nursery was flooded the 3 decembre by 2 m of water and a strong current > during 3 days, which left a deposit of 30-70cm of sludgy sand. Since then > much have been done to recuperate our plants. Within a month the shade hall > and the collapsed plastic tunnel was freed from the deposit and drained. In > the garden we dug (where feasable) the most precious species and replanted > them higher up (the fact that many bulbs were planted in wirenetting > helped). The most affected are the species which were in leaf early december > (and on the surface growing evergreens). Most sowings of autumn 2003 have > disappeared except those of late emergence. > Now it is becoming apperant which species have survived: > survivors are: Fritilaria, Narcissus, gladiolus(splendens and tristis are in > flower) Hesperantha bachmannii, Anemone coronaria, Tecophelia, Areacea, > Sparaxis Ipheion, Hyacinthoides, Leucojum, Crinum, Pancratium (except > zeylanicum), Lycoris (except with too much cover and L radiata) > Species which are sulking but alive: > Morea, Ixia, > Disappeared: Tulipa (except T sylvestris), Sternbergia, Dahlia, Dietes, > Agapanthus, Neomarica, Hyacinthus, Evergreen rhizomatic Iris, Tropaeolum, > Ferraria > As flowering is sporadic and the labels have floated around many species > have to be reidentified. > Fortunately the field of 2 ha only had 50cm of water and no deposit has not > been affected and sales were normal this spring. The nursery on the seaside > with Haemanthus, Brunsvigia Amaryllis belladonna, Nerines has not been > affected. > Expedition and plantfairs participation was started again mid January and > has now terminated to concentrate on reconstruction the nursery and our > house. In June we will start selling again, but for one season many species > will not be available. > Thanks again to the many people who took an interest during this rather > impressive period and provided moral support. We are happy to report that > with spring flowering around, things are looking up again. > Kind regards > > Lauw de Jager > Bulb'Argence > Mas d'Argence > 30300 Fourques France > tel 31(0)466 016 519 fax 0466 011 245 > > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > >