Dear All, Jane McGary added a picture of Iris graeberana 'White Fall' to the wiki Iris page.… I summarized all the contributions that people had made about their favorite orange flowered bulbs and turned it into an htm document and added it.… Hopefully that will wrap, but if not you can also access it from… The favorite orange flowered bulb mentioned most often was Clivia miniata. A number of people liked Homerias. Crocosmia was another popular selection. We've got a nice list of Crocosmia, Kniphofia, Lilium, and Narcissus species and cultivars. I added a picture of Romulea eximia to the South African Romulea page. This is another one of the really beautiful ones and it is long blooming too.… Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers