Dear all, The nursery was flooded the 3 decembre by 2 m of water and a strong current during 3 days, which left a deposit of 30-70cm of sludgy sand. Since then much have been done to recuperate our plants. Within a month the shade hall and the collapsed plastic tunnel was freed from the deposit and drained. In the garden we dug (where feasable) the most precious species and replanted them higher up (the fact that many bulbs were planted in wirenetting helped). The most affected are the species which were in leaf early december (and on the surface growing evergreens). Most sowings of autumn 2003 have disappeared except those of late emergence. Now it is becoming apperant which species have survived: survivors are: Fritilaria, Narcissus, gladiolus(splendens and tristis are in flower) Hesperantha bachmannii, Anemone coronaria, Tecophelia, Areacea, Sparaxis Ipheion, Hyacinthoides, Leucojum, Crinum, Pancratium (except zeylanicum), Lycoris (except with too much cover and L radiata) Species which are sulking but alive: Morea, Ixia, Disappeared: Tulipa (except T sylvestris), Sternbergia, Dahlia, Dietes, Agapanthus, Neomarica, Hyacinthus, Evergreen rhizomatic Iris, Tropaeolum, Ferraria As flowering is sporadic and the labels have floated around many species have to be reidentified. Fortunately the field of 2 ha only had 50cm of water and no deposit has not been affected and sales were normal this spring. The nursery on the seaside with Haemanthus, Brunsvigia Amaryllis belladonna, Nerines has not been affected. Expedition and plantfairs participation was started again mid January and has now terminated to concentrate on reconstruction the nursery and our house. In June we will start selling again, but for one season many species will not be available. Thanks again to the many people who took an interest during this rather impressive period and provided moral support. We are happy to report that with spring flowering around, things are looking up again. Kind regards Lauw de Jager Bulb'Argence Mas d'Argence 30300 Fourques France tel 31(0)466 016 519 fax 0466 011 245