A collected list of desired seeds?

Elizabeth Leigh skyblueskiesflowers@yahoo.com
Sat, 17 Apr 2004 10:03:00 PDT
Sounds like a good idea.




Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 11:55:49 -0700
From: Laura & Dave 
Subject: [pbs] A collected list of desired seeds?

Hi all,
I've been intending to post a note, asking if there is a mechanism 
in place to list seeds that one would especially like to see on the 
exchange. I know that if I knew that someone wanted a certain species, 
I'd make an extra effort to get a good, species true seed set for the 
exchange. As I've only been a member for half a year, perhaps you've 
already tried this and found it too much work or bother, or even not in 
the spontaneous spirit of the exchange.
However, I'd be willing to do the work if it is deemed a good 
idea. Perhaps people could submit a list of no more than five species 
they really wanted to me, NOT the list. I would then make a compilation 
list and send it as a weekly e-mail, or however frequently seemed 
reasonable. We did something similar for a local plant exchange, and it 
worked quite well.
Don't start sending requests just yet, let's see if this idea 
seems worthwhile to the group. I'll post another note if the feedback 
is positive, to let you know that the "lust line" is open.

Thanks again,
Peace and good gardening

Dave Brastow


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