Dear All and especially Jane, I've added a Paeonia start on the photographs page so Jane you can click on the question mark and add the text to make it a wiki page and add your really good picture. I am resending Jane's message with the correct links to take you to the wiki pages, not to the files pages as you will end up at a dead end with some of those links and the files pages don't allow you to read Jane's text which is always informative. I especially liked that Camassia. It's such a different color than the dark purple one I have blooming now. Mary Sue The correct links are: I have posted some new photos on the wiki, including Fritillaria acmopetala, which I hope everyone will look at so you can identify all the occurrences of it that you are growing under other names!…… There are two Ornithogalum species, O. fimbriatum and O. reverchonii:… And a spectacular camas, C. quamash var. maxima:… And a great big plant of Narcissus triandrus:… And Leucojum nicaeense, now known as Acis nicaeensis:… I wish there were a Paeonia page so I could also post P. cambessedesii (now, apparently, to revert to its prior name, P. corsica, which is easier to spell and say), because I took a really good photo of it today!