
P. C. Andrews pcamusa@hotmail.com
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 09:39:49 PDT
This TOW has been very helpful- I have found it difficult sometimes to sort 
out information on Hymenocallis to find the drought tolerant, summer 
rainfall species.
The out islands of the northern Bahamas have two 'endemic' Hymenocallis 
(that I've seen). I hesitate on the endemic status of these because although 
I've seen one them frequently in the wild, the area has been settled for 
quite a while and I keep second-guessing myself as to the species.  One is 
relatively large-bulbed (H. arenicola?) and grows in the coral sand dunes 
right up to the storm line.  The bulbs are oten deeply buried.  It does not 
divide and is remarkable tolerant of salt and the winter drought.  It is 
interesting to observe this lily growing out of the debris line from past 
hurricanes on some of the uninhabited shorelines.  Its not clear how far 
these plants have been carried by the storms.
The second species grows more inland, offsets freely and has smaller, 
narrower, more upright leaves that come to a distinct point.  The flowers 
are correspondingly smaller and have a relatively small corolla.    I've 
never observed this species on the dunes and its usually associated with 
human habitation- often with abandoned settlements.
Virtually all plants exhibit some degree of infection (Cercospora?) as they 
begin to go dormant during the dry season although plants on the dunes 
appear to be much less susceptible.
Thanks for the useful discussion,
Phil Andrews

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