As others at this end of the U.S. have pointed out, the big main flush of all the spring bloomers has past. And with the current record breaking heat we're experiencing, anything still blooming in that group will probably end soon. However, the various colors of Ornithogalum dubium are all in bloom as are several other Ornithogalums that others have mentioned. The very first lily is in bloom (a light pink L. longiflorum cultivar whose name I can't recall), but many are in bud. I still have a couple of Leucocorynes in flower, as well as several native Brodiaeas, and Conanthera campanulata. A Gladiolus cardinalis, I believe, that I got from Diana Chapman is also blooming prettily. More of my Rhodohypoxis cultivars are coming into bloom as well. The main show, however, are the Hippeastrums, and related genera including Sprekelia formossisima 'Orient Red' which continues to send up flowers and Griffiniopsis blumenavium (which I finally got a clear photo of and added that to the wiki. I've uploaded a few of the Hipp. cultivars to the wiki. ('Emerald', 'Giraffe', 'Jaguar', and 'Red Peacock'.)… I also added an image to the mystery bulbs of what came labelled to me as Hipp. puniceum album. However, it doesn't look like my other H. puniceum and it is red. The flowers are much smaller than all my other Hippeastrums, about 2in/5cm across and 3in/7.5cm deep, yet the leaves look like typical Hipp. leaves.… --Lee Poulsen Pasadena area, California, USDA Zone 9-10