Iris photos posted on the PBS wiki
Wed, 07 Apr 2004 20:35:47 PDT
I uploaded a few Iris photos on the PBS wiki.  Each of the following Iris 
were photographed this morning at 7:00 AM, the temperature was 28 degrees 
Fahrenheit at the time (frozen), but unlike crocus, at least the Iris reticulata 
cultivars and allied species have the decency to stay open in low light or when 
frozen, a blessing for the harried working man or woman.

Iris 'Katherine Hodgkin' - an ethereal beauty, I posted two close-up shots 
showing the intricately marked blooms.

Iris histrio - a beautiful little species akin to reticulata, with baby blue 
flowers and intricate markings.

Iris 'Lady Beatrice Stanley' - another reticulata type, with wedgewood blue 
flowers, broad falls and detailed markings.

All can be viewed at:…

Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States "New England" USDA Zone 5
>> web site under construction - <<
alliums, bulbs, penstemons, hardy hibiscus, western 
american alpines, iris, plants of all types!

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