
Robert Hamilton roberth6@mac.com
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 05:41:31 PDT
Hi  all,

Thanks   to  Kevin  for the great introduction.

> And how about members of our list from Australia?

I   have grown Hymenocallis  harrisiana   for quite  a  few  years  and 
  it  is a very  successful bulb in the open garden, flowering and   
offsetting  freely.  H  littoralis grows  and  offsets reasonably  well 
but has   not  flowered for  me,  although  those in warmer  parts  of  
Australia  seem to  flower it  easily. I  am  now trying some  bulbs  
in the open garden  and their  growth is  stronger so  perhaps  their 
is   future  hope  of  flowers.  Happily  I  have  some  strongly  
growing  seedlings  of H  glauca, howardii  and maximillianii  from the 
  IBS  distribution.

Ismene narcissiflora , longipetala and  hybrids x Festalis  and  
Sulphur Queen grow  and  flower  well in pots   or the  garden.

All these  bulbs  appear in late  spring  and  are in leaf until  late  
autumn frost  takes  them out.


Rob  in Tasmania
Temperate  Marine  Climate
Zone  9 equivalent

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