Hippeastrom seed germination

Douglas Westfall eagle85@flash.net
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 19:40:19 PDT
James FrelichowskiDoug Westfall thisisnotgonnawork@yahoo.com11111Claiborne
Dr. Long Beach, CA

> I don't know which is the most reliable but I resort
> to the floating method with tap water changed
> regularly.  It helps me overcome my impatience since I
> can clearly see how many are germinating.  I would
> handle them carefully after a green leaf forms and
> pour in vermiculite or whatever fine media around them
> to avoid breaking them.
> James Frelichowski
> Shafter/Wasco,
> near Bakersfield, CA
Thanks, James.  The idea of adding the vermiculite or whatever is a "good"
suggestion.  I'll give it a try.


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