Dear all: In a recent posting, Angelo Porcelli posted a picture of H. papilio. I agree with Kevin Preuss that the picture is not H. papilio. The petals are not as wide, and it is my opinion that the upper 3 petals of H. papilio are burgundy with an edging of greenish white, the lower 3 are white with a hint of burgundy. The reverse of the upper petals have a distinct margin of green which is well defined. Plate 645 of my book shows a grand planting at the Huntington Botanic Garden. Many scapes are shown, but it must be remembered this planting was of a considerable age. I think that Angelo had indeed mixed the labels. Has anyone seen this species in the wild and have a photograph of it? It would be interesting to see. By the way, Timber Press still have copies of my book for sale!! Cheers, John E. Bryan