Hymenocallis - TOW

Angelo Porcelli angelopalm69@inwind.it
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 11:53:05 PDT
I do grow a few here in zone 9b, with mixed results. There's a species (presumably?) quite common in Sicily (zone 10) , which is evergreen and it should be 'Tropical Giant' or caribaea/latifolia. Mine got a bit of cold damage this winte but seems fine so far. No problem for the hybrids x festalis and Sulphur Queen, which I have permanently in the ground. They need good waterings in summer, or the flowers will abort for drought. I have two H. x festalis, one which makes a lot of offsett but few flowers and one which flowers reliably every year. This last I got as 'Zwanenburg', said to be a better clone. From one year I have harrisiana, longipetala and 'Advance', but in pots and overwintered. They should flower this summer, I wish. Oh, BTW, it's by far easier to grow the 'Mediterranean spider lily' , that is Pancratium maritimum, for obvious reasons :-)

Angelo Porcelli
south of Italy

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