This weekend has been a good one for spider lily blooms here. Right now H. rotata, H. crassifolia, H. henryae, H. duvalensis, and H. liriosme (labled as H. caroliniana) are all blooming. Of course my 35 mm camera is out of order and I am waiting to buy a digital. Jim Shields, the plant you gave me from LA, a riverivne plant, looks like Jim Zimmerman's H. caroliniana, which looks to me like H. liriosme, with a yellow center and long tepals - H. coronaria is from rivers in LA and AL to SC and has yellow centers, but tepals are short. This is not H. occidentalis (Howard suggests H. caroliniana = H. occidentalis, which is in accurate since occidentalis is vailid and H. caroliniana refers to Pancratium maritimum)... Thad Howard in BULBS for Warm Climates suggests that H. choctawensis might be a syn for liriosme. This is incorrect, as they are not the same species as anyone who has sen both would understand. That is not to say that at some point in LA there isn't introgression and possible hybridization between these two. This seems to be the case where H. rotata and H. godfreyi meet up Wakulla Cnty, FL where hybrid swarms are evidemt. One would go crazy trying to sort out colonies of the two in that vicinity (unless on the spring runs, those are rotata, and those in the prairie marshes are H. godfreyi but in the streams, creeks, sloughsand ditches there are hybrids. I wonder if this is what Herbert described as H. crassifolia in the 1800's from St. Mark's, FL???? Thanks to all for letting me ramble on here. As you can tell this is a fun genus for me. Best, Kevin Preuss