Hyacilnthlus orientalis wild form

320083817243-0001@t-online.de 320083817243-0001@t-online.de
Fri, 09 Apr 2004 04:27:00 PDT
Dear All,

I grow some bulbs of Hyacinthus orientalis wild form, some in the open garden 
in a mesh pot to avoid them being eaten by mice and some in a pot in the 
greenhouse because I think they are not fully hardy.
The ones in the garden are in flower now but they have reduced number of plants 
and flower size markedly since last year, the ones in the pot in the greenhouse 
have remained more or less the same but flowered less this year. They produced 
a lot of small offsetts and I wonder if that is a sign of decline of the whole 
plant. I got my bulbs for a very reasonable price from Hoog and Dix (now called 
Dix-Export) in the Netherlands, their website is   http://www.dixexport.com/

All in all it is a very beautiful and dainty plant and the scent is very strong 
but more refined than the garden hybrids but it seems I have not yet found out 
how it wants to be grown to be permanent with me.

greetings from very cold, almost frosty Germany, Uli

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