Unusual looking Japanese hybrid Hipp photo added to wiki

Ann Marie mysticgardn@yahoo.com
Wed, 07 Apr 2004 23:23:25 PDT
I second the group order, Ann Marie

TGlavich@aol.com wrote:///Lee/,

It's a great cultivar.


I'd be willing to participate in a group order.

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Ann Marie 

So. California, San Gabriel Valley, Zone 21 (Sunset Western Garden book) , influenced by both marine and interior air(Santa Ana winds). This makes it perfect for Citrus trees and most So African plants. I collect and sometimes sell belladonnas, nerines, oxalis, moraea, amaryllis, palms, epiphyllums, succulents and other south african bulbs.  email me at mysticgardn@yahoo.com for list of bulbs and plants for sale.  For home and garden sculptures go to http://www.rjunkdrawer.com/  

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