Dear All, Here are some unannounced images that have been recently added to the wiki. Jane added a picture of Narcissus obesus to the Narcissus page:… In honor of Jennifer I added a picture of Freesia fergusoniae to the Freesia page. It is orange and yellow and very fragrant:… Jim Robinett gave me some corms which I shared with a lot of people that were mystery corms. I finally keyed them out to Freesia fergusoniae and Freesia refracta. They were mixed together and I haven't yet managed to get them in different pots. Last year I tried to separate them by looking at the corms, but that didn't work. Their leaves are quite different however and F. fergusoniae leans while the other is upright. Jane McGary added a picture of Tulipa cretica to the Tulipa page:… Mary Sue PBS List Administrator, Wiki Worker, TOW Coordinator (Whew!)