Fragrances that Surprise--TOW

Den Wilson
Wed, 14 Apr 2004 22:41:26 PDT

<<but what I really hate is the scent of lilies and hyacinths.>>


How about a hyacinth on the kitchen table on New Years day? Or how about
Lilium wardii or parryi or kelloggii or rubescens or cernuum or langkongense
or......? I think they smell fantastic. If you want to pick on the
unfortunates of the lily world try L. pyrenaicum; a real nose-crinkler if
you get too close.

The strongest scent in my garden is undoubtably a Crinum yemenense from
David Fenwick. I like it but some say it is too powerful. I say
stand farther back.


Den Wilson
Isle of Wight
Zone 8 (maritime) almost frost-free.

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