Dear all: I have download in my web page, just as a test, some pictures of Herbertia, hope you like them.… I have used a very friendly software (freeware) called jalbum, its a web photo album generator. If you are interested, you can go to: and download it. PD: Alberto Castillo is a little bit better now, he had fever last night but now he is ok. Best wishes Germán _______________________________________ Ing. Agr. MSc Germán Roitman Cátedra de Jardinería FAUBA Av. San Martín 4453. 1417. Buenos Aires Argentina ICQ: 1837762 _______________________________________ --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.647 / Virus Database: 414 - Release Date: 29/03/2004