At 01:08 PM 4/5/2004 -0600, you wrote: >Dear All; > Wonder if anyone has experience with M. paradoxum. A couple years > ago, I got a bulb or two (ordered along with Jacob Adler of AR). This has > proven to be one of the biggest huskiest Muscari to grow here. Flower > heads are just forming, but 2 to 3 x larger than any others and most > bulbs (it's multiplied) have 2 heads arising from each. > Since I am not a big Muscari fan, this does impress me. > > Jacob, how are yours doing? Anyone else grow this? > > Jim W. >-- I have grown it for 3 years now, and it does equally well here in Cincinnati. I grow an assortment of Muscari and I think 'Valerie Finnis' is probably my favorite for the light blue colored flowers. Dennis in Cincinnati