Mon, 05 Apr 2004 09:22:25 PDT
Cindy, On the Iris, it is always best to leave them in place for 6-8 weeks 
after they have finished blooming.  this gives the plant time to take up 
nutrients necessary to produce beautiful blooms for you next year.  Then when you 
move them you are moving a healthier more robust rhizome.  If for some reason you 
absolutly must move them early you risk losing a bloom season next year but 
not always.  They will eventually bloom for you again.  Don't forget the 
bearded iris need a minimum of 6 hours a day of sun.
Carolyn in Los Gatos, CA with over 1000 bearded iris in my garden and a few 
hundred others.  By the way, it is open free to the public weekend afternoons 
this month and first week of May if any of you are in the area and would like 
to stop by.

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