On 21 Oct 2013, at 19:41, elilium71@roadrunner.com wrote: > I purchased some bulbs of Tecophilaea. Any tips for successful growing would be > helpful. Thanks in advance, Eric In Western NY where fall has finally arrived > very wet. Tecophilaea is: 1. Not fully hardy. Even here in Victoria, while pots of tecophilaea can be left outside with no protection most of the winter, I have to be alert for impending "arctic outflows" when we get serious freezes. When an arctic outflow threatens, my tecophilaea goes into a cold, unheated, but frost-free storage room. In western NY state, outside cultivation is probably impossible in winter; it's just too cold! (I lived in Rochester for five years and know whereof I write.) [PS: I do put the pots under cover in my carport because of our excessively wet winters. "Moist but not soaking wet", to quote the estimable Jane McGary writing in another context. 2. Winter-growing. The foliage comes up quite early, and once there are leaves, Tecophilaea needs light and air to do well. 3. Prefers a circum-neutral soil, say pH 6-7, neither very acidic nor very limey. 4. Needs complete drought in summer, but *NOT* baking in the sun like a Central Asian tulip. 5. Can be grown outside in the garden in mild climates like Ireland and New Zealand. 6. Very prone to damage from slugs and snails in view of the scanty foliage. 7. Worth holding a party for when it flowers. Invite all your friends. -- Rodger Whitlock Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Z. 7-8, cool Mediterranean climate